發表於 2013-8-27 00:55:08
本帖最後由 Patrick_c 於 2013-8-27 01:08 編輯
online or the armoury?
the duo @ the armoury are really committed to promoting what makes a man an authentic gentleman.
for laymen or most men, most marketed labels are perceived as good but as far as gentlemen's wardrobe is concerned, the most hyped labels in many cases are not up to par while those are not well-known to the public are 'the real mccoy' and hidden gems.
i admire that they have sufficent committment, bravery and resources brining in many good brands and certainly knowledge that were unknown in hk.
although retail prices have gone up since they opened the door some 2 or 3 years ago and it can cost a fortunate, still worth the $ considering the huge costs in central.
i wish them success.
*implications from the duo, digital soft marketing can make a great and positive impact on stirring up customer interest and keeping loyalty.